Thursday 31 October 2013

Halloween Fun vs. Racism

 I was Pocahontas when I was six. She was my favorite princess. I didn't feel right NOT painting my face darker than it is.. I was the whitest kid ever. I wasn't being racist... Another year I was Missy Elliott, I believe I was 10 or 11. It's not always people making fun of things and people need to lighten the hell up. Some people dress up in these ways to feel closer to people or characters that they love. If I can paint myself green or blue, why not a natural looking change in my skin colour? It is Halloween. A time to have fun and dress up as someone other than yourself. Some people take the chance to just be rude and ignorant. Let them, they will pay their dues eventually. For the others just having fun and meaning no harm? Leave them alone..

^ The above was my reply to a Facebook post that showed up on my page from College Humor, obviously just trying to be funny, as pictured below. I am, if you haven't caught on in the blue colouring, and some other individual is in the green. If you can't see the photo he said :" You don't get to decide whether you were being racist."    The definition of racism is to find a race superior another. In my opinion, I do get to decide whether or not I am being racist.

I had decided to comment about my costumes and skintone changes after reading the below comment (I have typed out the part that caught my eye..)

"Frankly I'm baffled by the number of people that want to justify wearing 'black face'. Black face, red face, white face, none of them are really acceptable. Go as a character, but don't change your skin tone. You're reducing that person's ethnicity to their color, which is disrespectful. And apparently, none of you seem to know the history of black face. Cultures are not friggin costumes."

Where I agree that cultures aren't costumes why can't someone paint their face? If red face isn't acceptable, the devils are being racist. Black face and red face put together means that Darth Maul is out. You can't be a coal miner. You can't be a pumpkin, because, God forbid you paint your face orange. No, don't paint your face white to be a ghost, a skull, or a vampire. Don't paint your face yellow, you might offend a Simpson! While we're at it, why aren't we thinking about the feelings of people who do cross dress daily? Guys, stop putting your dresses on on Hallowe'en, that's rude.

Maybe I'm just being hormonal but this is frustrating me because people are just being so uptight! Hallowe'en is Hallowe'en! There ARE costumes that take it too far, and the people that choose to wear them will get what is coming to them. Face paint and makeup is my favorite part about Hallowe'en, so if I can't paint my face black to wear under my hood so you can't see it in the shadows, if I can't paint my face blue to match my crayon hat, it takes a lot of the fun out of it. 

Society sucks, yeah. But this, on top of feminist extremists, and I'm way to tired to think of anything else right now goes to show that no one REALLY wants equality, they're searching for superiority. The one's that do don't get as much "air time" because people are searching from extremes..

In closing, before I ask the question I've been holding back: Just because you are male, female, black, white, tan, yellow, green, or born with a tail does not make you anymore entitled to your opinion than others and it doesn't make everyone else racist. If I can handle "harmless short jokes" I feel like others can loosen up too..

What are your thoughts on the topic today? Where do you draw your lines?

Tuesday 22 October 2013

What's With The Blog Title?!

Olive A Sudden! All of a sudden... I thought it was punny.
For those of you unfortunate enough to not know who Olive is, and the reason I find this name so clever and wonderful... Olive is my companion. 
Her first day with us!

She is my cuddle buddy. 
She is my protector. 
She is my puppy.

My photo galleries are full of her sweet little face and videos of her antics. Unfortunately, I don't have such an adorable little ragamuffin to snuggle with, but a fairly boisterous, high energy, yellow dog that needs her way.

Some people say that pets have no personality.. Well then, I invite you to spend a week with my little girl.

She needs to snuggle. She sings with me sometimes. She escorts me to the washroom. She thinks I'm stupid.. You can tell when I wiggle around in the kitchen and she gives me that arched eyebrow thing that dogs do, because she doesn't really have eyebrows. And when she tries to sneak things she knows that she shouldn't have. I also believe that Miss Olive thinks that she is part cat. She has developed a liking to the back of the couch. This is where she will sit and watch the neighbours. And at night she pushes me out of the way so she can have what was supposed to be my side of the bed..

Olive a sudden she's literally changed things and just in time for my life to be flip turned upside down. And I'd like to take a minute, just sit right the--Okay, I'll stop..

I'm crazy about her. With a small emphasis on "crazy." Thus, the blog name is so good for me.

In closing, as I obviously wasn't quite sure what to write about tonight, what would you want to read from my basketcase of a brain?
