Thursday 12 June 2014


The babysitter ran out of sunscreen today and did her best to keep Lennox out of the sun! But alas, she has my genetics and her face got it!

Also a month ago, Lennox took her first steps. Hilding my hands of course, but still. And at EB games of all places! She is rocking back and forth on her hands and knees all of the time. She's so ready to motor.

Sunday 4 May 2014


Lennox just crawled from one side of the bed to the other! It is more like she is doing the worm at this point but she is still mobile.

Sunday 6 April 2014


Lennox peed all over herself so I took her to give her a bath but we, apparently, only have crazy cold water. Tried everything to warm it up to no avail. So fast as I could I wiped her off with some cold water, as I was doing so she was kicking her feet saying, " Oh! Oh! Oh! Oh! Oh! Oh!" And as soon as I had her in the towel she was all smiles. No tears. Just a legit reaction.

Saturday 5 April 2014

Eye color!

As of right now, Lennox's eyes have the same tone and pattern as mine and the hue of Adam's.  She is still making strange with Papa, but now has experienced the rush of unzipping zippers. (There was a small one on Nana's shirt.)

She seems to be quite enjoying her monkey.

Saturday 29 March 2014


So these photos are from most recent to not. She fell asleep spitting milk out of her mouth, and while I was playing with her she shat explosively all over the blanket she was in and it squished out everywhere even worse when I tried to move her! The first photo is the after math, one happy baby.

Saturday 8 March 2014

Catching Up - Videos

Unfortunately, this is the best I can do at the moment, I will definitely edit this when I find a better way to have these videos on here. :)

November 20 In it's natural habitat, the potato appears to have the hiccups.

December 18 – Olive giving Lennox kisses.

December 30 – Her reactions to my faces.

February 26 – So, she does this now.

March 2 – Lennox’s take on her teething toy?

March 8- Good morning kisses?

Catching Up - Photos