Saturday 29 March 2014


So these photos are from most recent to not. She fell asleep spitting milk out of her mouth, and while I was playing with her she shat explosively all over the blanket she was in and it squished out everywhere even worse when I tried to move her! The first photo is the after math, one happy baby.

Saturday 8 March 2014

Catching Up - Videos

Unfortunately, this is the best I can do at the moment, I will definitely edit this when I find a better way to have these videos on here. :)

November 20 In it's natural habitat, the potato appears to have the hiccups.

December 18 – Olive giving Lennox kisses.

December 30 – Her reactions to my faces.

February 26 – So, she does this now.

March 2 – Lennox’s take on her teething toy?

March 8- Good morning kisses?

Catching Up - Photos