Saturday 8 March 2014

Baby Sign!

Today, Lennox signed to me to change her diaper. She's been very chatty and even talked to Nana on the phone! She seems to enjoy her babysitter's family. On her last doc visit, she has gone up to 11 lbs 8 oz, he chest is 3 cm larger, as well as her head and she is 1 inch longer. (From my understanding,  that was Adam's first time going without me. He usually drops me off and comes back.)

Also, the little gremlin has started grabbing at Olive, pulling my hair, teething, sitting up for over a minute and squirming off of furniture.

**I've recently decided that this blog will be like my baby book.. I post everything on facebook but it gets in a jumble and I'm sure some people are sick of my posts being the same baby face in a different outfit, so I'll be posting her milestones and what not as they come here.**

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